Overview of BCU joint Program


Birmingham City University (abbreviated as BCU) is one of the major universities in the city of Birmingham, United Kingdom, with origins dating back more than 200 years.


Birmingham City University


Birmingham City University was established on the basis of unifying small institutions in the city of Birmingham from October 1843 to the present with a history of more than 150 years.

Geographical location

Vị trí địa lý Birmingham City

BCU is located in Birmingham, England's second largest city and one of the UK's most vibrant cities with hundreds of restaurants, shopping and entertainment areas, convenient transportation, and an international airport. Birmingham International Airport connects with European countries and the world.

With more than 24,000 students studying programs from Undergraduate to Doctoral from over 80 countries around the world, Birmingham City University (BCU) is a large public university in the UK. The school produces graduates with the skills and experience that employers demand. BCU students have high positions at major businesses such as HSBC, Tesco, the NHS, Nissan, GlaxoSmith-Kline, Goldman Sachs, Santander, Warner Bros and JP Morgan.

School students have the opportunity to try internship activities at many large businesses during their studies.

ọc viên nhà trường có cơ hội thử sức các hoạt động thực tập tại nhiều doanh nghiệp lớnOverview of BCU Joint program


In 2019, the University of Information Technology launched an international joint training program with Birmingham City University - UK (BCU) with the goal of creating opportunities for students to own an international university degree and be fluent in English. He is ready for international-level computer engineering positions after graduation.

Current training majors:

- Bachelor of Computer Science - Training duration 3.5 years (applicable from 2019 class)

- Bachelor of Computer Networks & Information Security - Training duration 3.5 years (applicable from 2019 course)

The program is specially designed from the bachelor's program of Birmingham City University, UK, so the course structure is practical, updated, international and focuses on expertise right from the semesters. Firstly. In addition, students are focused on developing creative thinking abilities, teamwork... to meet the requirements of the labor market.


Applicants who voluntarily participate in the program must meet the following requirements:

- Have graduated from high school;

- Have an IELTS certificate of 5.5 or more (or another certificate approved by the Ministry of Education and Training as equivalent).

- For candidates who do not have an international English certificate, they must take the English entrance exam at the University of Information Technology. Based on the results of this English assessment, candidates who do not meet the English entrance standard will have to attend English training classes coordinated by the University of Information Technology.


- BCU joint program awarded by Birmingham City University with a teaching degree at the University of Information Technology - Vietnam National University, Ho Chi Minh City. HCM has a program structure according to British standards and regular university degrees like those being taught in the UK.

- Students studying the program have the opportunity to study the entire 3.5-year program in Vietnam or can transfer to the UK for the final year.

- The program's modules are built in a comprehensive international context, creating conditions for students to explore and exploit the core content of the Computer Science modules; Computer Networks and Information Security.

- The teaching staff includes professors, doctors, and masters with seniority from the University of Information Technology and foreign lecturers who have expertise and meet the requirements of the direct teaching program. Most lecturers have experience teaching in Vietnam and international joint programs; All lecturers are tested and approved by the University of Information Technology and Birmingham City University, UK.

- All classes have their own team of teaching assistants and learning advisors who are young lecturers who will support students throughout the learning process.

- Small class size (maximum 45 students/class) for theoretical subjects and no more than 20 students/class for practice/discussion and problem-solving classes.

- Classrooms are equipped with high quality: projector, internet, wifi, air conditioning, modern sound system.

- Self-study room equipped with modern equipment; The library of foreign literature books is open freely.

- Students are trained to improve their English during their studies;

- Students are given priority to introduce businesses to practice and work after graduation.

- There is a bus to take students from the center to school in Thu Duc and vice versa.

- The average tuition fee per semester is 40 million VND/semester, only 1/8 of the tuition fee when studying abroad in the UK (about £27,750 for 3 years of study) with an international degree of the same value (*). This tuition fee will be adjusted for each course according to the tuition increase rate in accordance with current regulations.

(*) Does not include food and accommodation costs while studying in the UK.


After graduating, with an International University degree, students can develop their careers in the following positions:

- Technology engineer

Develop their career and be able to hold a computer engineer position at international level enterprises.

- International development

Expand technological development opportunities with multinational companies, foreign-invested enterprises, and technology corporations.

- Starting a business

Start their own business based on market needs, knowledge, and relationships developed during their studies.

Link nội dung: https://melodious.edu.vn/birmingham-city-university-vietnam-a59986.html